Health care for immigrants in Kainuu

Everyone who needs urgent medical care has the right to care, regardless of which country they are citizens of.

Immigrant customers who become municipal citizens are generally refugees who have received asylum, quota refugees or people who have moved to the country for other reasons, such as work or studies. Asylum seekers and undocumented persons are not municipal citizens.
If a person has a domicile in Finland, he has the right to receive health services.
If a person does not have a municipality of residence in Finland, he may still be entitled to health services based on, for example, work. In this case, the person must prove his right with a care right certificate issued by Kela.

A person from another EU or EEA country or Switzerland can receive medically necessary treatment in Finnish public healthcare with a European medical card.

Adult asylum seekers have the right to receive essential health care, such as maternity counseling services, in addition to urgent medical care. Minor asylum seekers receive the same healthcare services as other residents of the municipality.

Immigrants have the right to receive interpretation assistance at the reception.

Immigrants are recommended to undergo a so-called immigration inspection during the entry phase. In the inspection, the client's medical history and, in addition to current health care needs, the need for possible infection screening samples are reviewed.
Quota refugees and asylum seekers are always subject to a health check. For those who moved to the country for other reasons, an inspection is carried out if necessary.

Kajaani, Paltamo, Sotkamo and Kuhmo:
For all refugees, the entry check is done at the Kajaani general medicine clinic (Kainuu Central Hospital).
Inspections of asylum seekers are organized by the reception centers.
For other immigrants, the examination is carried out, if necessary, at the general medicine polyclinic, student health care or occupational health care.

Pregnant women can be referred to the maternity clinic (Kainuu Central Hospital). Minors are referred to the children's clinic or school health care. When booking a consultation appointment, the person's basic and contact information and the need for a possible interpreter must be known. If possible, the person's medical and vaccination history should also be clear.

Suomussalmi, Ristijärvi and Hyrynsalmi:
For adults, contact the health center.
For minors and pregnant women, go to maternal clinic or school health care.

Medical helpline

Me­di­cal Help­li­ne

tel: 116 117 

Me­di­cal Help­li­ne is gi­ving ad­vi­ce and gui­dan­ce in mat­ters re­gar­ding health­ca­re and so­cial ser­vi­ces. Plea­se call Me­di­cal Help­li­ne be­fo­re you go to an emer­gen­cy cli­nic. In an ur­gent or li­fe th­rea­te­ning emer­gen­cy, call the emer­gen­cy num­ber 112 ins­tead.

Cent­ral Hos­pi­tal Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gen­cy De­part­ment deals with emer­gen­cies, acu­te ill­nes­ses and ac­ci­dents, trea­ting pa­tients

  • who re­qui­re ca­re wit­hin 24 hours of the in­ci­dent
  • to whom de­la­yed ac­cess to ca­re may cau­se per­ma­nent da­ma­ge to health
  • who­se li­fe is th­rea­te­ned

Call at night ti­me (i.e. bet­ween 22:00 and 7:00) on­ly in a ca­se of such me­di­cal emer­gen­cy that can­not wait till the mor­ning.