Emergency clinic

What to do when you need ur­gent ca­re in Kai­nuu?
When you need ur­gent me­di­cal ca­re, du­ring of­fi­ce hours on week­days con­tact your lo­cal health cent­re.

Vi­sit the hos­pi­tal emer­gen­cy cli­nic by first cal­ling The Me­di­cal Help­li­ne 116 117

The Me­di­cal Help­li­ne 116 117 will gi­ve furt­her inst­ruc­tions or an es­ti­ma­te of the ap­point­ment ti­me if the si­tua­tion re­qui­res a vi­sit in the emer­gen­cy cli­nic. Cal­ling The Me­di­cal Help­li­ne first will re­du­ce the wai­ting ti­me in the emer­gen­cy cli­nic. Plea­se no­te that your es­ti­ma­ted ap­point­ment may de­lay due to mo­re ur­gent pa­tients. If nee­ded, bring on­ly a ne­ces­sa­ry es­cort, such as a pa­rent of a child, or a re­la­ti­ve of an el­der­ly per­son. Ent­ran­ce to the emer­gen­cy cli­nic is the door F2 “Päi­vys­tys­po­lik­li­nik­ka” on the west si­de of the hos­pi­tal.

In li­fe-th­rea­te­ning and ot­her emer­gen­cies, al­ways call 112

Emer­gen­cy cli­nic:

Kai­nuu Cent­ral Hos­pi­tal
Sot­ka­mon­tie 13
87300 Ka­jaa­ni

Kai­nuu cent­ral hos­pi­tal area map:


Read mo­re about the Me­di­cal Help­li­ne 116 117

How to pro­ceed when you need ur­gent treat­ment

In li­fe-th­rea­te­ning and ot­her emer­gen­cies, al­ways call 112